Partnerin und Sprecherin der Geschäftsführung / Chief Effectiveness Office | Scholz & Friends
Liane Siebenhaar is General Manager and Spokeswoman of the Management Board of Scholz & Friends Hamburg, Member of the Partner Board ofthe Scholz & Friends Group as well as Chief Effectiveness Officer of the Scholz & Friends Family. Liane is one of Germany’s top tier strategists – besides strategy topics her professional experience covers areas such as brand strategy, social media as well international communications planning. Liane is member of the GWA board, Effie Germany President and has been jury member for award shows like DDA, ADC 22, The One Show and Cannes Lions. Liane is a regular Speaker at conferences and was chosen amongst the 100 Minds of the Creative Industry by German trade journal Werben & Verkaufen (2021) as well as ‘40 under 40’ by Capital Magazine in 2021.
„Nach meiner letztjährigen Tätigkeit als Juryvorsitz freue ich mich dieses Jahr vollumfänglich an den Bewertungen der Cases teilzunehmen. Für mich ist das ein Highlight des Jahres und ich freue mich insbesondere auf die neuen Technologien und kreativen Ideen, die wir dieses Jahr zu Gesicht bekommen werden.“